Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mix: my garden, few house improvements & recent shopping :)

My garden has completely absorbed me and my husband for a while now but we're about to be finished with it, well at least for this year;) It was really hard work but so worth it! Besides lots of cleaning that had to be done after winter we planted a bunch of new trees and shrubs. I also did some potting planting for the season not mentioning Rich stained our deck to refresh it and put new gazebo in the backyard with our neighbor's help (thanks Dave!:)) Here are some pics with the results I'd like to share with you. Hope you like it:)

Our Gazebo. Now we are awaiting for our lounge furniture to arrive to complete the look:)

I'm going with blue, turquoise and white accent colors for
 the gazebo area 
Elegant Maiden Grass

Japanese Maple trees are looking
amazing this year!

Little patio for our fire pit :)

My husband behind gazebo planting trees:)
Fresh mulch makes a difference. Now waiting for my Magnolia trees (to the right) to bloom. Any day now:)

Planters on the upper deck

Stained patio

Upper deck dining area or better saying grilling area;)
I love this view from my deck- feels like I'm in the park. Our neighbors did great job with their gardens too. We were teasing each other who's gonna look the best ;p

 My lanterns:)

and do you recognize these planters from my previous post about DIY front entry project? They are looking stunning! Growing so fast I just can't believe it!

I also went for some treasure hunt to a few stores recently. I ended up shopping in World Market, Marshall and Macy's and I think I went a little overboard;) ... but I just can't resist;) Love shopping for home!!!

Pillows! will go under gazebo once furniture arrive.
Love different shades of blue!

Something eye catching for coffee table... also under gazebo;)

 Actually my husband surprised me with these. He bought them at Costco and I think they will give an interesting "sparkle" in the evening to the gazebo flooring:) Hopefully like on the picture. Will see.

Once I saw these two wall decor squares in the store I just thought: "I must have them!". Had to think for a while were I would hang them, since most of my walls are pretty much filled already with something. Well, I just had to replace something old with something new to make me happy;) Now I enjoy them in my bedroom over my dresser. 

By now you probably noticed I'm hooked on color gray and different shades of it. I like to combine it with white and sometimes with an additional, as I call it "pop"color, for some interest. It seems also it is very easy with gray since so many other colors go with it: red, yellow, blue, green, violet, pink... and you can change the look of your room so quickly just by changing this accent color.
I bought this wallpaper while ago and have a project in my head I'm planning on starting this summer. The material next to it, I fall in love with and had to have it. It is amazing to touch. The white flower design is dimensional and has actually velvety feel to it. I want to make big pillow cases out of it.

OK this was my last purchase. Hotel Collection sheets were on sale in Macy's and were perfect fit for my bedroom. How could I not get it, right?! I'm very fond of this brand as well as Calvin Klein collections. They are so soft and comfortable so if they go on sale just had to grab them;)

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